We’re here to serve you!
Click on one of the links below to access our most popular services. If you don’t see what you’re looking for, feel free to contact us!
For more information on how to do certain things (such as use a computer, get a library card, and renew a book), please go to the How Do I… page.
The Dothan Houston County Library Bookmobile is dedicated to providing access to information, recreational reading material and ideas to that portion of the reading public who do not have ready access to a library facility due to a variety of barriers, including time, expense, transportation, geography, institutionalization, or handicap
Passport Applications
The Dothan Houston County Library System is now offering services for new passport applicants, and for those in need of passport renewal, on behalf of the U.S. Department of State.
Proctoring Services
The Dothan Houston County Library System provides limited examination proctoring services.
Shoutbomb Account Management
The Shoutbomb text messaging service allows you to manage your library account, loaned materials, holds, and notices all from your cellular capable device.
Local History Room
The Downtown Branch Library offers a collection of resources and services relating to local history and genealogy research.
Interlibrary Loan
ILL allows DHCLS to obtain materials not in our catalog from other libraries on a temporary basis, for use by a single patron. Materials that may be requested via ILL include printed books and periodical articles (from magazines and scholarly journals).
The StoryWalk, hosted at the Dothan Kiwanis Park and Trail, is a fun and innovative way for people of all ages to exercise their bodies and minds.