
Discover your family history and start your family tree. Try free and access billions of genealogy records including Census, SSDI & Military records. can only be accessed for free from library computers. For more details, please see our Local History Room page.


Articles & Databases

Official, State Specific, Federal, Business, Personal, Real Estate and General forms covering hundreds of legal subjects and issues.


The Alabama Virtual Library (AVL) is a state-sponsored program that provides FREE access to a large collection of research databases for all Alabama residents of all ages. No library card required.


Online database for automobile repair and maintenance. No library card required.


ConsumerAffairs provides expert resources and verified reviews to help people make smarter buying decisions. No library card required.


Foundation Directory Online provides nonprofit organizations with in-depth profiles of 200,000+ grantmaking organizations and agencies, including past recipients, application guidelines, and areas of focus. Designed for nonprofits to help them grow their capacity and operate at peak effectiveness. This database is only available at the Main Library through our public Wi-Fi network.


The Merck Manuals (MSD Manuals outside US & Canada) are the global standard in medical reference for Doctors, Students & Consumers – since 1899. No library card required.



Homework Alabama offers free online tutoring and academic resources from for Alabama residents from kindergarten students through college, plus adult learners.


The Alabama Virtual Library (AVL) is a state-sponsored program that provides FREE access to a large collection of research databases for all Alabama residents of all ages. No library card required.


Collection of tutorials, prep-tests, and e-resources to help students and adult learners achieve academic and career success. Includes practice tests for ACT, GRE, SAT, etc. No library card required.


TumbleBooks’ (K-6th) databases are easy to use! Read as many books as you want, when you want, and on any device without the requirement of a library card! TumbleMath has a comprehensive collection of math picture books complete with animation and narration. No library card required.



Explore and stay informed on local and state topics, people and events in areas such as business, health, education, jobs and careers, political and social issues and more. Features a wide variety of credible, vetted news sources spanning Alabama, including The Dothan Eagle Collection. Also available remotely 24/7 on any device. Note: You must have a DHCLS library card.


Click here to search the Birmingham News archives from 1993 – today. Find full-text articles on local news, issues, events, people and much more from current and archived issues of the Birmingham News. Updated daily, it includes obituaries, editorials, announcements, sports, real estate and other sections. Read the paper in the original PDF or find content that was only published on the web. Available from inside the library or from home. Note: You must have a DHCLS library card.


A unique digital archive of news media presents the broad sweep of African American history in ways no textbook or other online resource can match. By offering balanced coverage from diverse sources published from 1704 through present day, this multi-disciplinary resource is crucial for the study and interpretation of historical and current events. Note: You must have a DHCLS library card.


Explore Dothan history through local news, events and people with The Dothan Eagle Collection. Search current and archived issues with full-color newspaper pages, full-text articles and content only published online. Also available remotely 24/7 on any device. Note: You must have a DHCLS library card.


Enjoy The New York Times, courtesy of Dothan Houston County Library System, at home or wherever you happen to be. Discover original, quality journalism that helps you make sense of this moment — and make everyday life better.
Simply create an account with an email address and password. Access is good for 24 hours each time of use.


Enjoy The New York Times, courtesy of Dothan Houston County Library System. Discover original, quality journalism that helps you make sense of this moment — and make everyday life better.
You must be inside the library to enjoy your free access to the New York Times



Libby provides access to the Southeast Alabama Digital Library consortium which houses digital books, audiobooks, and videos. Note: You must have a DHCLS library card in good standing*.


Get free access to thousands of movies with your library card. Simply add your Dothan Houston County Library System card number.


TumbleBooks’ (K-6th) databases are easy to use! Read as many books as you want, when you want, and on any device without the requirement of a library card! The TumbleBook Library has a selection of children’s favorite story books and provides enrichment to students who are reading independently with a variety of high interest material. No library card required.


For a library card to be in good standing, it must:

  • Not be expired.
  • Not have bills/fines exceeding $20.00.
  • Not be manually barred from the system.


When you attempt to login to a resource which requires your library card number, that resource will inform you if your card cannot be used. It may state that your card can’t be used for one of several reasons:

  • If the resource states that your card has expired, your library privileges have expired and you will need to come in to a library branch and renew your privileges. Please see our Get a Library Card page for more details, including information on required documentation to renew your card, and validity periods for different card types.
  • If the resource states that your card has been blocked, you have fines and/or bills in excess of $20.00. You will need to pay these fines/bills before you can use online resources again. Please speak to a staff member for more information.
  • If the resource states that your card has been barred, your library privileges have been suspended as a matter of library policy. This is usually temporary and due to missing or invalid information in your account (for instance, if we find that we do not have a valid address, phone number, and/or date of birth on file). However, a card can be barred for other reasons, including legal action and as a result of a patron being permanently banned from DHCLS property. If your card has been barred, please speak to a staff member to determine why your card has been barred.

If you receive another message or error when trying to access a resource, please speak to a member of library staff.

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